Method® Emergency Shower and Eyewash
Serving Laboratory Solutions
Emergency eyewash and shower stations are essential in laboratories, industrial, and manufacturing facilities, for those in close contact with harmful chemicals that may cause serious injury.
METHOD manufactures ANSI Z358.1-certified high-quality range of emergency eyewash and shower products for chemical-related industries, laboratories, hospitals, schools, universities, and offshore.
Our products are of high-quality range and can fit easily into the workplace in line with the OSHA Rules and Regulations. Every effort must be made to save sight and skin to alleviate suffering in the event of an accident. We offer plumbed and portable emergency shower and eyewash, with spare parts and accessories.
Products and Specifications
Bench Mounted Eyewash

Where space may be of constraint, METHOD wall-mounted eyewash fits easily into your workplace. Eyewash works quickly with a simple push of its highly visible handle. METHOD eyewash spray heads use soft-flow aerators and automatic pressure compensating valve.

This bench mounted eyewash with ABS plastic bowl can fit easily to any workplace and laboratory. This eyewash works quickly with a simple push of its highly visible handle. Our eyewash spray heads use soft-flow aerators and automatic pressure compensating valve inbuilt in the spray head assembly.

This bench mounted eyewash with Stainless Steel bowl can fit easily to any workplace and laboratory. This eyewash works quickly with a simple push of its highly visible handle. Our eyewash spray heads use soft-flow aerators and automatic pressure compensating valve inbuilt in the spray head assembly.

Floor Mounted Eyewash

MODEL: EY 5060 SS | EY 5070 SS
MODEL: GIY 5060 SS | GIY 5070 SS
These units work very well in any environment. It can be mounted onto a floor and operated either by hand or by foot. METHOD eyewash spray heads use soft-flow aerators and automatic pressure compensating valve.

Combination Shower and Eyewash

MODEL: ECB 10022 AB | GIC 10022 AB
Our combination unit of drench shower and eyewash is popular in workplace where fire and chemical spillages may occur. All control valves are the instant action, stay opened type of ball valve.

Portable Eyewash and PLUM

MODEL: EP 4000 + EP 4604 (2 nos)