National Public Charging Standards (NPCS)
LTA and EDB, which co-chair the Electro-Mobility Singapore (EMS) taskforce, announced that Type 2 AC and Combo-2 DC charging systems would be adopted as the National Public Charging Standards (NPCS).
A nationwide electric vehicle (EV) charging standard TR25:2016 has been established for the EV charging system in Singapore. TR25:2016 specifies mandatory safety technical requirements for EV charging systems. Under the Technical Reference 25 (TR25), it is mandatory for charging service operators to provide Type 2 Alternating Current (AC) (slow charging) and/or Combo 2 (DC) (fast charging) chargers at their public charging stations.
CHAdeMO (an abbreviation of CHArge de MOve) will be added as an optional public charging standard and not as a national public charging standard under TR25. This means that it is not mandatory for charging service operators to provide CHAdeMO chargers at their public charging stations.
Requirements for Installation and Maintenance of EV Charger
To ensure proper installation of the EV chargers, users are required to engage a Licensed Electrical Worker (LEW) to install, test and certify the fitness of the installation.
Before the installation,
- LEW shall check that the EVSE is issued with a Letter of No Objection (LNO) from EMA-LTA Interim Joint Panel (IJP)
- Ensure that it complies with the technical requirements of TR25:2016 or the relevant International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards
Before handing over the installation,
- LEW is required to certify the fitness of the EV charging installation

As the owner of the Electrical Installation, you are responsible for ensuring the periodic inspection and maintenance of the EV charging system, as certified by an LEW.
Upon EMA’s request, the LEW or the owner will need to produce a copy of the LNO, inspection and maintenance reports of the installed EVSE for verification.
Technical Reference Standard TR25:2016

TR25 Technical Reference for Electric Vehicle Charging System is applicable to on-board and off-board equipment for charging electric vehicles in public or private car parks, public places and private residential premises at standard AC supply voltages up to 1000 V and at DC voltages up to 1500 V.
It covers the requirements for electrical installation, functional needs and safety, and connection to the electric vehicle.
The objective of this Technical Reference is to provide guidelines for electric vehicle charging system that aligns with currently accepted international practices and takes into consideration local conditions. It states the safety requirements to protect person and property against electrical hazards.
More Singapore Standards and Technical References available here.
What is LEW Approval?
LEW stand for Licensed Electrical Worker. All electrical work must be undertaken or carried out by a licensed electrical worker. Such electrical work includes new wiring, rewiring and extensions which have to be tested before the supply is turned on.
There are 3 classes of electrical worker licence, namely: Electrician’s Licence, Electrical Technician’s Licence and Electrical Engineer’s Licence.
They are licensed to design, install, repair, maintain, operate, inspect and test different types of electrical or supply installations:

Type of LEW |
Approved Load/Voltage Level |
Electrician |
Not exceeding 45 kVA / 1000V and below |
Electrical Technician |
Not exceeding 150 kVA(Design) / 1000V and below |
Not exceeding 500 kVA(Operation) / 1000V and below |
Electrical Engineer |
No Limit on approved load / Voltage level subject to licence conditions |
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Lim Kim Hai Electric is the One Stop Solution Provider for Electric Vehicle Charger (EVC) Solution. We are supplying the Electrical Vehicle Chargers (EVC) with installation and maintenance. We are also offering a payment gateway solution for commercial and industrial needs. Contact us for more details!
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- LTA. (2020, March 05). News Release. Joint Factsheet by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) & EMA – Addition of CHAdeMO as Optional Public Charging Standard to Support Development of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure.
- EMA Website. Electric Vehicle Charging Systems For Singapore.
- EMA Website. Licensed Workers/Installation Licences
- EMA Website. Requirements for Installation and Maintenance of EV Charger