What is Lockout Tagout (LOTO)?
Every year thousands of workers get killed or injured while performing repairs or maintenance on industrial equipment or machinery. Many of these accidents are caused by the uncontrolled release of energy.
Lockout Tagout (LOTO) is a planned safety procedure which involves turning off the energy supply of industrial machinery and equipment whilst maintenance work or repairs are being carried out. This procedure protects workers from the risks posed by live machinery or electricity.
Why Lockout / Tagout (LOTO)?
- Safe working while doing maintenance, cleaning or repairs.
- Prevention of injuries
- Prevention of damage
- It helps to prevent errors being made.
- It is a procedure which clearly communicates risk in the workplace

Lockout / Tagout Compliance
OSHA’s Lockout Tagout (29 CFR 1910.147) regulatory standard requires that “The employer shall establish a(n) (energy control) program consisting of energy control procedures, employee training and periodic inspections to ensure that before any employee performs any servicing or maintenance on a machine or equipment where the unexpected energizing, startup or release of stored energy could occur and cause injury, the machine or equipment shall be isolated from the energy source and rendered inoperative.”
A typical lockout program can contain over 80 separate elements! This includes tasks such as creating, maintaining and updating equipment lists and hierarchies, task-specific procedures and workplace regulations and training.
6 Elements to an OHSA Compliant Lockout Tagout Program
- Develop and Document a Lockout Tagout Program or Policy
- Write Machine/Task Specific Lockout Tagout Procedures
- Identify and Mark Energy Isolation Points
- Lockout Tagout Training and Periodic Inspection / Audits
- Provide Proper Lockout Tagout Devices
- Sustainability

Lockout / Tagout (LOTO) Categories
Electrical Equipment Lockouts

Brady electrical lockout products will help you properly shut down electrical systems including circuit breakers, push-buttons, rotary, wall switches, plugs and much more. These lockout options will help you avoid electrical accidents for industrial high voltage or low voltage applications.
Cable Lockouts

Brady cable lockout equipment is an easy-to-use multi-purpose energy isolation solution that is ideal for unusual devices that are difficult to lock using conventional means. The devices and tools are available easily cinch cable in place to keep handles and/or valves locked in the OFF position, effectively isolating valves or electrical power handles. Lockout cables are available individually or in lockout tagout kits.
Valve Lockouts and Hose Lockouts

Valve lockout devices shutoff many kinds of pressured valves including ball valve, butterfly valve, cylinder valve, gate valve, plug valve and pneumatic. Adjustable and universal devices are available for additional flexibility.
Lockouts Hasps

Lockout hasps are a valuable and convenient way to lockout an energy source ensuring that your worker’s safety is never compromised. Our hasps are available in a variety of highly visible, labelled and nonconductive options. They are ideal for group lockout procedures and will help give your team the peace of mind that each energy source is properly isolated.
Padlocks and Padlock Labels

Lockout Tagout and padlock labels allow you to quickly id equipment, areas and padlocks with important lockout/Tagout (LOTO) information. These are self-adhering high-performance labels that can withstand harsh environments. Lockout Tagout and padlock labels improve worker awareness, preventing unauthorized access and unexpected machine start ups.
Group Lockout Boxes

Group lock boxes are a great solution for isolating energy points when a large team is working. Using a group lockout box allows you to dramatically reduce the amount of locks required on a job, limit weight on each energy point by eliminating hasps, and it provides a quick overview of who is still working without going to each energy point.
Lockout Tagout Stations
These stations are portable or static and work for just about any application.
Lockout Tagout Kits
Lockout kits are equipped with the tools you need to isolate mechanical and electrical control points.
Lockout Tagout Tags
Lockout Tagout tags are OSHA compliant and communicate safety and lockout information at the point of need. These tags come in a variety of materials to suit your specific Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) needs. You can also create your own custom tag for an application-specific message.
Lockout Tagout Signs
Lockout Tagout Signs will help you communicate safety and lockout information at the point of need. These labels and signs come in a variety of materials and are available in OSHA-compliant Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) formats. It is a great way to visually provide warnings and instructions for preventing unexpected machine start-ups and alert equipment operators about proper lockout procedures during maintenance and repair.
Lockout Training
Lockout Tagout procedures, software and training will help you provide the information and equipment your team needs to teach and begin implementing a lockout Tagout (LOTO) program. This section includes valuable LOTO training kits, DVD’s and materials as well as procedural writing software and services.