Visualisation of Power Supplies
A New Style of Facility Maintenance
Visualising and centrally controlling the condition of power supplies enables you to systematise equipment maintenance before equipment trouble occurs, eliminating unexpected response and unnecessary premature replacement, and thus reducing the overall maintenance cost.

EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP-Compatible Maximizing System Availability Through the Connecting of Equipment to IoT
With Omron S8VK-X

Centralised Monitoring of Equipment Conditions
The voltage, current, and replacement time of power supplies are centrally monitored by line or site.

Improved Accuracy of Maintenance Planning
Statistical use of past data enables you to identify the appropriate schedule and method for maintenance.

Enhanced Facility Operating Rate and Optimised Maintenance Cost
Improved accuracy of maintenance planning prevents unexpected equipment shutdown, achieves maintenance at the most appropriate schedule and cost, and thus optimises the maintenance cost.
The first step in scheduled maintenance:
Visualisation of the time to replace power supplies
S8VK-X calculates the deterioration of the internal electrolytic capacitor based on its component’s temperature. It is indicated on the display as well as via the communications system.